Looking to sell your house in North Carolina, and you do not know which method to use? Are you looking for a Realtor, or are you planning to sell by yourself? Find out more about both methods and make the right choice.
A realtor is a person that acts as an agent who will be in charge of offering and making sure that the house is sold. On the contrary, when you sell your house by yourself, you can offer it to home buyers, like Easy Sale Home Buyers in North Carolina, and determine the price, agreements, and other benefits.
Working Realtors
Hiring the right realtor for the sale of your house is challenging, and sometimes you won´t realize you hired the wrong one until it’s too late. Even though it could benefit your selling, there are some significant aspects to consider before choosing this method.
- Commissions: Agents usually ask up to 6 percent on the total amount of your sale. A full-service, experienced, and well-known agent may request even more commission than others.
- Many clients: Agents do not work with only one client, and overworking with others may result in a dismissal of attention for your house. A lack of news or updates can also result in frustrations and a longer wait for your home sale.
- Buyer’s agent: Sometimes, the buyer also works with an agent, which means that the process could be either more straightforward or challenging depending on the capabilities of each.
- Time: If you want to sell to move on a particular date or for any pressing reason, it could be frustrating being at the mercy of someone else’s work.
When You Hire Us
At Easy Sale Home Buyers, we provide homeowners with many benefits in the process of your sale. We recognized as the best house buying company in North Carolina, and some of the significant benefits we provides our clients include:
- Cash: With the right home buyers, you will get a fair all-cash offer for as little as seven days. You will not have to wait for agents’ response or have to continue with utility payments.
- As-is condition: With Homebuyers like Easy Sale Home Buyers, you will not have to worry about spending extra money on repairs or cleaning. We can make you an offer that saves your time and money.
- No more closing fees: Easy Sale Home Buyers has got you covered by paying all the closing costs.
Easy Sale Home Buyers at Raleigh, North Carolina, is the right choice!
We are a specialized company in solving real estate problems; we help you control the situation, with an ending result of living the life you want. Save money on commissions, fees, and holding costs. Do not stress yourself on making repairs and cleaning your home; we want it just how it is.
The experience of selling with us will be unique and comfortable. It will make you feel relieved from all the stress of letting someone else handle your house sale.